Thursday, October 12, 2006

Scott Adams Rocks!

Recently on the Dilbert Blog, there has been much debate on the existence of Free Will... Being a philosophy major, this struck my interest. It's a pitty their are so many induhviduals who like to post stupid comments on the posts. Scott Adams's way with words and sharp sense of humour and witt really makes most of the comments posted look like drivel! But that's just what I think.

What I'm really writing about is the fact that, even though I can't imagine how many email Scott Adams gets a day, of which most could be the same as this complete drivel, he read my email and replied. Whats even better, I got mentioned on the blog... REALLY Cool! The Dilbert Comic and all its spin off media keep me smiling, even through the worst days. Scott Adams has also gone up in my estimations because he doesn't just sit in an ivory cubical and 'talk' to the world. His writings are always funny, most of the time thought provoking and usually quiet insightful.

Thanks Scott for making us all laugh!!

The following is the copy of my email and Scott's reply, below that is the link to the post...

From: Ryan Ballantyne
To: ScottAdams
Date: 02-Oct-2006 17:30
Subject: Free Will etc...

Hello Scott,

I think its fantastic the debate you have sparked re:Free Will. As a philosophy major, I am interested in the so-called layman's opinions which usually make for better reading than the ivory tower tomes found in most university libraries.

Check out what the Philosopher David Hume had to say about free will verses determinism.. he basically threw a large spanner in the works by saying that they are both right and are necessary for each other to exist... ( - gives a basic intro in the paragraph Free will etc...)

I want to also say that Dilbert is the most amazing, brilliant and funny comic in the world! I think Catbert, Dogbert are especially brilliant! Thank you for making me laugh everyday, without fail!


Ryan Ballantyne
Cape Town, South Africa

From: ScottAdams
Date: 02-Oct-2006 23:56
Subject: Re: Free Will etc...


Thank you for passing that along, I will have to check it out.

Scott Adams

( Please Note - "I will have to check it out" :P )

The Link to the post on the Dilbert Blog is:



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