Sunday, August 27, 2006

White River Rafting, Cos Chicks Dig Scars!

First off, apologies to Garrick Orchard for using his phrase, but it is appropriate... My colleagues and I spend two days of team building and fun as a precursor to the busy retail season ahead. This 'bosberaad' culminated in an afternoon of white river rafting on the Palmeit River, just outside Klienmond. Thanks to Gravity Tours for a wonderful afternoon!!

Bad White Legs... Need to get out more before summer....

CAPESTORM Retail (Pty) Ltd. Minus Leo, Sharon and JHB

Barrel Roll Practice...

Handbrake Turn - Deon and I...

Going Down! Deon and I

It All Goes Pear Shaped for Shevan and Greame

Pop a Wheelie! Deon and I

Going like a Boeing! Deon and I

Me holding on for dear life... Deon paddling for dear life...

Chloe goes for a swim...

Jacques Steers, Siya Panics...

The ever-so-graceful Lee and Tammy....

Guts and Determination - Chole and The Guy from Go! Magazine

Teneal and Hano Ramping an Awesome Rapid...

The Executive Team... Managers always leading from the back... Just Kidding Malcolm....


Nature on mPixel said...

Hey Buddy
Awesome photos, looked like you had a great time. Didn't even know there was a river like that out that end. Your blog looks great..maybe I'll get one going.


Anonymous said...

Ryano, looks like you had an fantastic weekend, just remember though that there are bigger and better rapids in Australia, and we can't wait for you to try them at the end of next year......Love Dad and Mom

zegreg said...

With a title like that I was expecting at least one photo of a severed leg or "Me fleeing the ever-hungry Palmiet river pirhanas"
good pics though. looks like lots of fun. I wonder if we could re-enact that on the canal? :)

zegreg said...

Make Your Time! and while you're making it, it is suggested that you add more photos!!

no pressure.

none at all.

not a smidgen.

okay, maybe a bit.