Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Flight Patterns

Wow, this clip is incredible...

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Jesus vs. "Republican" Jeezus

Click the thumbnail above for the bigger picture. From

This artist hits the nail on the head.... the differences between the real Jesus (that of the Bible) and he so-called Jeezus (As spelt as it is said with a southern American drawl) is evident, no matter what you believe!! Certainly I believe in the Jesus who taught us to Love each other and not this "All-American Super Jeezus" which has captured the minds of the Conservative Right in the states... God Bless America - because no one else will!

Hurray! For Common Sense

From the Mail and Guardian Online
Sports minister says 'quotas are out
Cape Town, South Africa
07 November 2007 09:48

South Africa's sports minister ruled out racial quotas for national teams on Tuesday after the mainly white Springboks' recent victory in the Rugby World Cup reignited the debate over transformation.

"Quotas are out," Makhenkesi Stofile told a parliamentary sports committee.

"Let us put our resources into the development of talent."
